Anyone have any guidance as to the plane's airworthiness?
Are the flaps and indicator on the aircraft's equipment list? Probably not. According to the bold method that means you can't fly without them.
Interesting points, but I don’t think I would consider Bold an authoritative source. Without getting into that discussion, here’s my take on how I would deal with the 150.
Per 91.213(d) I would check to see if the indicator is required under (d)(2). I don’t see it listed under 91.205. I can’t find it
required per any aircraft equipment list or KOL list. And no ADs are evident. So per the 213(d) guidance I would determine it does not constitute a hazard and placard it INOP with a corresponding log entry. And given it requires no maintenance a pilot could accomplish this as well.
Now if this were a flap issue then it would be different. If you needed to fly with flaps stuck in the up position, I would recommend a special flight permit to get it home. While it might appear you could use 91.213(d) since the POH gives the option to operate with no flaps, I’ll bet a nickel there would be one or more emergency procedures you could not perform without the use of some flaps, i.e., create a hazard. This is all provided you wanted to remain legal.
As to items not listed on the aircraft equipment list I have no clue where Bold or the “FSDO” got that from. The aircraft equipment list is strictly a certification requirement to certify the aircraft empty weight. I do have a hunch that they were actually discussing Minimum Equipment Lists (MELs) which if the “equipment” is not listed on that specific list then there is no option to defer.
And to add, the aircraft equipment list is not even technically a maintenance record per 91.417. Plus the fact for some mechanics to include me, we will create/update a new aircraft equipment list every time we reweigh for a new certified empty weight and balance record. If it were a control document as mentioned by Bold where is the guidance to maintain that document?
There’s more to this topic but I think the above covers the high points.